FAQs and expert advice about wedding services

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Somerset Glos and Wilts Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Bring on the spring

Bring on the spring

Q How do you inject your wedding days with the spirit of spring?
A Lou Miller says: Spring is traditionally a time of newness, a time when the land here in the beautiful Blackmore Vale wakes up from its winter slumber, the birds start to nest and blossom appears in the hedgerows. It's the promise of wonderful things to come – not unlike a wedding.

I'm sure that most of us, when we think of spring, imagine the cheerful yellow nodding faces of daffodils, but as I sit looking out at the purpley iris reticulata in our lawn I'm reminded that spring flowers come in a myriad of hues. There are the soft pinks of fruit blossom, the gorgeous blues of English bluebells and a whole rainbow spectrum of tulips.

Of course, the obvious person to talk to about flowers is your florist, there are an increasing number now who grow their own flowers rather than buy blooms that have been flown in from abroad. They'll be able to advise you what's likely to be flowering at the time of your wedding. You might even decide to plant some spring bulbs of your own with which to decorate your venue. Living bulbs and plants for weddings have the advantage of taking on a new life afterwards; either serving as gifts to special family members or to be planted in your own garden as a memory of your day.

There are many more subtle ways of incorporating the spirit and beauty of spring into your wedding though. Let's start with your invitations. Think of colours and imagery that you associate with the season for their design. Think soft greens of leaf buds, catkins, snowdrops, cute lambs, and hares (a Celtic symbol of prosperity and good fortune). This theme could then run through to your table plan and table styling too, or perhaps complement the soft greens with table runners and napkins in apple blossom pink.

For your spring-themed wedding favours, flower seeds are an obvious choice. I'm no horticulturalist but a quick Google tells me that sunflowers are good ones to plant at this time of year. How cool would that be? To know your wedding favours will become beautiful smiling sunflowers, whose seeds in turn, will become autumn food for birds.

What about embracing spring through your attire? You could be as subtle or as full-on as you want. What about a discreet primrose-coloured belt on your dress and matching pocket squares or waistcoats for the groomsmen? For your something blue, I love the idea of bluebell coloured shoes and accessories. You could even go for a delicate blue sparkle in earrings and a necklace, or go all-out with a blue pom pom tiara. You might even embrace your inner Goddess Flora (the Roman goddess of the flowering of plants) and wear a beautiful flower crown.

Lou Miller, The Old Milking Parlour at Cavokay House


Say "I do" the sustainable way

Q What are your 2023 trend predictions?
A Georgia Bradley says: "I believe eco-conscious decision making will be a big trend for 2023. Think thrifting and sustainability, casual yet cool with a focus on the experience.

After the last couple of years, we've all done some reflecting and have a better understanding of what's truly important and this has certainly given celebrations a deeper meaning. Think about incorporating special gestures on the day, such as personalised notes; perhaps you could ask guests to make a charitable donation or fund a local project on your behalf.

"Think consciously about your purchases. Ask guests to be considerate of how they travel, keep food miles down and try to give back to the environment perhaps by planting your own tree. A wedding dress, for example, can be a huge portion of the wedding budget, so we should be aware of the manufacturing process and how workers are treated. Consider buying a preloved gown, or perhaps repurposing a relative's.

"Finally, 2020 put a strain on the UK's finances, so look closer to home. On websites such as Etsy, you can find unique high-quality items from independent shops. You could even try Facebook Marketplace for items no longer needed by other couples."

Georgia Bradley, Berwick Lodge

Ring, ring

Ring, ring

Q We love the idea of a guest book, but know it can be a bind to get people to sign it. Is there any way around this?
A Jack Eaton says: There is! The Audio Guest Book, allows your nearest and dearest to leave recorded voicemail messages on repurposed, original, 1970s rotary telephones. Posted straight to your door along with its own handmade wooden sign, it's easy to set up and captures the atmosphere and excitement of the day as well as immortalising special loved ones while giving them an interactive experience they won't forget.

The Audio Guest Book telephones come in a variety of colours to suit all themes and look iconic in any setting. We've also found that the enagement of the voicemail format seems to be far higher than a traditional hand-written guest book, with some coming back to us contatining hundreds of messages. On top of this we've received excellent feedback from our couples saying how they "laughed and cried" while listening to the recordings. As well as receiving all your messages digitally, we can also send you a glass message in a bottle USB for you to keep forever.

Jack Eaton, Audio Guest Book

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